This morning we went to the dr. office for our sonogram. It's official we are having a girl! Jason and I are very excited. She is doing very well. She weighs 1lb 3 oz, and her heartbeat was in the 140's. They said she looks good, and no issues all of her major organs and everything they look for was good. Currently she is in 40% when it comes to growth charts. She was so cute during the ultrasound. She was so active she would not sit still, moving her arms and legs all over the place, opening and closing her mouth.
We met the new dr. She is ok. I much prefer my other dr. but I guess there is nothing else we can do about it. I know she is competent but she is just a little different than Jason and I are use to.
I have posted some of the ultrasound pictures. Hope you all enjoy looking at them as much as we do.